About us

We are yoga teachers and doulas in training passionate about improving outcomes for mums in the pre and postnatal space. Our classes are designed for active women in Canberra - physically challenging to keep you feeling strong but modified to be safe for the stage of your pregnancy or motherhood journey. All of our classes and events also focus on sharing our journeys with likeminded mums to support you through these beautiful, but often challenging, stages of your life.


Jenni Clearihan

Exercise has been a part of my life since I was a kid, a physical outlet has always been important to me. Yoga was something I did’t try until later in life, but it only took a few classes and I knew I had found something special. Not only did I receive the physical benefits that I initially went to the classes for, I was leaving class feeling lighter both mentally and emotionally. 

This lightness then seeped into my day to day life and I felt like a newer, fresher version of myself! I was discovering how to truly listen to what I needed, learning that being vulnerable was a strength not a weakness, learning to slow down and be truly present, being able to respond to situations rather than react, and how to make best use of my vital energy. 

This passion for yoga lead me to sign up and complete my 200hr teacher training course and I began teaching straight away. After the birth of my first son, knowing how instrumental the tools I had obtained in my yoga practice were in creating a positive, empowering and natural birthing experience,  I felt an overwhelming desire to dive into the world of prenatal and postnatal yoga so I could share this with other women. So whilst on maternity leave, I completed my Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga teacher training course and created Offspring Yoga. 

I want to share the multi-layered benefits of yoga with mums through connecting on and off the mat. Yoga is much more than a physical practice but what we learn through the physical postures is so meaningful and it can be projected in to all aspects of our lives, especially during the pregnancy, birth and motherhood journey which can often feel overwhelming. Combined with breathing and mindfulness practices, it’s a great way to connect to this transformative time.

My underlying inspiration is just how incredible women are! Pregnancy, birth and motherhood are challenging, but nothing this amazing comes easily and I just hope to support and empower all the ladies I meet as I truly believe every woman should (and can) have a positive experience!

Beth Urbaniak

I am energetic by nature and love all types of movement, particularly if it’s outdoors! At first, I was drawn to yoga to stretch my body out and compliment my otherwise high intensity training. But it wasn’t long before I discovered yoga had SO much more to offer than physical benefits and through a regular practice I began to experience a pretty profound shift in my mental health.

Yoga philosophy not only completely changed my perspective on the purpose of life but it also taught me to be grounded, present, content and compassionate – qualities that are important in all stages of life but I found to be particularly impactful while navigating the bumpy, confusing, amazing, love filled journey that is pregnancy and motherhood.

When I was pregnant with my first son I began studying prenatal yoga and used the skills and concepts I learnt to prepare for my birth. Daily yoga style movement helped my changing body feel strong, mobile and balanced. And the breath and mindfulness practices kept me calm and gave me the tools I needed to approach a natural labour and birth with ease. My birth experiences with both of my boys were intense but absolutely the best and most empowering moments of my life.

I am passionate about sharing these benefits of yoga with mums and mums to be, to support positive birth and motherhood journeys. My hope is that every mum feels strong both physically and mentally, and is able to approach birth and motherhood in an informed way with all the tools needed to have an easeful experience.